Sunday 25 April 2010

I love you- FULL STOP.

Loving One Another
 7 Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. 8 But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. 9 God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. 10 This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

1 John 4: 7-10

God speaks to me through every day things,
Circumstances, events, words,
 day to day, ordinary times.

It has been a busy month for our Family,
James has been busy working, 
training, and in his spare time, having to try and fix our car.
{Which has been broken for a long time.}
Also our washing machine was playing up,
so I needed him to look at that,
He was getting tired from it all
and things were getting stressful.

One problem, followed another...
We prayed, it didn't seem to improve things!
I kept thinking, there must be something God 
is teaching us in all of this!
Our characters were being squashed..
like grapes and not everything that leaked out was pleasant!
We both had moments 
of frustrations,
short tempers...
but also times of 
The need of Gods peace,
trusting in Him,
being patient...

I think I learnt that I have things I personally need to improve on.
I mean, God provided a way for the children to get to school.
Each day, we had offers, 
lending cars etc, 
but it was like the daily bread!
I never knew from one day to the next how 
It was going to work..
God was faithful in his provision.
Friend were helpful!

When we reached the glorious light,
at the end of a long, dark,
mechanical failing tunnel, we were so relieved!
James came in late,
after dropping the car at the M.O.T garage,
He slumped into bed,
tired words escaping his mouth,
"I've put the rubbish out ....."

It was in that moment,
that God spoke to me...
Despite the frustrations,
the annoyances of car problems,
mechanical failings,
I was thankful for my husband!
I love him.

As his words rung in my ear,
"I've put the rubbish out.."
I knew, this wasn't the reason I loved him.
I don't love him, for all the things he does to help us
as a family.
Sure those things help,
but I got thinking,
If anything were to happen to him,
If I lost him,
I seriously doubt my words at his 
funeral would be,
" I miss him putting the rubbish out,
and fixing the car and the washing machine...
His work will be deeply mourned and missed in our hearts!"

I will miss HIM!
because I love HIM!
{ Not all that he does...}
Thats just an added bonus ;0)

In the same way,
God spoke to my heart,
" I love YOU,
Not for all you DO,
but for who you are.....
to me.."

In the same way that I don't love my husband, for 
all he does for me,
I love him,
for who he is to me!
He loves and cares for us,
thats WHY he does the things he does.
Its the heart of him,
that makes me love him.

Its the same for your heavenly Father,
and his love for you.



Anonymous said...

I needed to read this more than you'll ever know. I have had a very difficult few weeks and this has really uplifted me and reminded me. Thanks.

Rebekah said...

Thats good to hear- if you ever need to bend someones ear, or have someone to pray for things, just pop me an email. ;0)

Leah said...

The love of our Father and a deep, growing revelation of it is SO powerful - I love it when he whispers a gentle reminder like this one; beautiful!

Laura said...

Love how you connected them both!!!!


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