Saturday, 6 March 2010

Many Boxes.

Matthew 6:33

'But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.'

It was a busy day yesterday, the sun was shining, the air was fresh and I was in the mood for some spring cleaning!
I flung open all the windows, dressed Ellie in her wellies and let her play in the garden.
I loaded the washing machine, fed the dishwasher, washed and cleaned, organized cupboards and the children's craft room. The list went on, but you get the idea!
Ellies cute squeals of delight filled the air outside, as she played in the swings hanging in the apple tree, I felt fresh and happy.

At the end of the day, dinner was made, James came home and then he had to go out again.
The house was quiet, so I turned my attentions to ordering some family books, to help equip  and train my little ones in the things of God and good values etc. 
I found so many that looked amazing, it was hard to know which to choose from.
If you need any, I recommend this site:
As I looked through the books, and studied the content and the purpose of each subject, I will be honest, I felt a little overwhelmed!
The huge task of being a Mother flooded me and I began to question how I would cover and equip my children effectively.
Proverbs 22:6
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
I prayed as I went through the list, looking at books which caught my eye and prayed that God would help me be the Mother he intended me to be.
I sought his wisdom and counsel as I looked at the materials.
My heart churned within me, I so want to honor God with the children he has blessed me with.
I felt a need to look at my life, once again (Its a good regular process) to check that my priorities are in line with his.
I went to bed later on that evening and as I closed my eyes, I saw a room full of boxes.
Each box was labeled with a word or two.

Mother,  Wife,  Housekeeper,  Friend,  Counselor-Degree & Studies,  Creche worker,  Church life  &  Family worker. 

I looked at the boxes and all the tasks written on them. There seemed a lot of them, I wondered as I spoke to God about how I am to prioritize my time and my tasks accordingly.

It was then that I saw a very large box appear. It covered all my little boxes and they all fit neatly into this large box. On this box I watched a word appear.

J e s u s

Then I heard his voice speak to me,

"But seek first my kingdom and my righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

I knew this! I know this! But again, He had to 

R e f r e s h    m e

C a l m   m e 

A s s u r e   m e

L o v e  m e 

Today, if you are feeling overwhelmed by your roles, 

I n  H i m

you will accomplish much!

not our own strength,

B u t 

H I S.



Nili said...

Awesome Rebekah...just what I needed to be reminded of!

Joyeful said...

Oh this is such a timely word for me! In HIM. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.



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