Sunday 6 September 2009

God sets eternity in the hearts of men.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV

In this chapter it speaks about God placing eternity in the hearts of men.
Something excited me when I re- read that. Eternity, within us. 
Within our hearts and inner most beings.
What an awesome privilege it is, to have almighty God, 
maker of the universe, maker of the earth and all that lives,
 to plant eternity in the hearts of men.
When I first had a clear revelation of God reclaiming mens hearts 
unto him, it blew me away.
 Sometimes, It seems so black and white, 
 the clear difference between those who know God & those
who do not. The more intimately acquainted I become with Gods
voice, his ways, his plans & his presence, the more obvious
it becomes to me, that we are made in his image, set apart for a
 The things around me, than never used to display Gods beauty,
 suddenly do!
 The gift of life, conception to birth. God is at the
 heart of that miracle! The unique and fantastic flower structures,
 the delicate fragile wing of a dragonfly, the tiny hairs on a
persons face, (yet he knows them all!) God is a creator.
He is a creative God!

We see spectacular displays of his creativity all around us,
 yet some days we are too blind to even notice! To take
something for granted, simply means; to fail to notice or 
appreciate someone or something that is very familiar or
 obvious to us. We can do this all the time. Every day,
on our way to school, on the way to work, walking to
 someone's house, we pass by &  observe many
 displays of Gods creativity. Yet we may fail to notice!
Distracted by the thoughts in our own minds. Worries
or stresses of this world.

 In Matthew 18:3 Jesus says " I tell you the truth, unless
you become like little children, you will never enter
 the kingdom of heaven.'

What are children like I ask myself?
 Children do not hide their excitement!
 Children, tell it as it is!
 Children will notice things that fascinate them,
and point them out and call you, to tell you all about it!
 Children get passionate about things!
 Children will be full of wonder and curiosity about
things that intrigue them.
 They will stop and observe flowers and butterflies,
and study them.

On our way to Church this morning, the girls kept stopping
 on our walk, to pick flowers growing through a nearby
 fence. I was aware of the time and not wanting to be late
kept telling them, "Come on girls! We will be late.
 Leave the flowers alone!"

How adulthood can dull the excitement of seeing Eternity
 and creation in the day to day!
Lord I pray, that where possible, I will have the eyes to see
 and the heart of a child to explore and wonder about your
creative declarations, that surround me in my daily life.
 Allow me the stillness to breathe in the beauty of your
creation and sense eternity within my heart. A day will
 come when "The lamb at the centre of the throne will
 be (our) shepherd, he will lead (us) to springs of living water.
 He will wipe every tear from (our) eyes. " Revalation 7:17

A day will come, where eternity will be our home. A place of
 Gods splendor and Glory, surrounding us forever!
 But even here, on earth, we can have glimpses of his gift to us,
 to come. God open our eyes to see your beauty in this life too.

1 comment:

Kari Day said...

I love your posts. Something about the way you write and the things you say that makes me feel peaceful and happy. I am glad that I came to visit here.
The subject here about God putting eternity in the hearts of men is a very good one. There is a book by a similar title that I once read, chronicling how God has done that in hundreds of people groups around the world. Even among those who are so remote they had no contact with the outside world.I believe the book was by Don Richardson and is even called Eternity in their hearts.

Thank you for your beautiful photography too.


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