Saturday 2 June 2012

Cross roads

If you have reached a crossroads in your life,
where you have to make big decisions,
But do not know which way to go,
What do you do?

I believe that choice is a gift.
Life is full of choices,
and what we choose, will determine our life paths.
What happens when we do not know the best way to go?

Here are things I am learning along the way.

♥ Follow your heart
Work out what is within your heart and see which path would better those desires.

♥ Follow your dreams 
What are your long term goals, aspirations, desires?
 Work toward those, which path will enhance those areas?

♥ Seek divine wisdom from above. 
God knows our thoughts, our desires, our dreams.
He placed them within us before we were even born.
If you are stuck in knowing the right path, pray, seek ask!

♥ Feel the fear of change, and if it seems the better path, do it anyway!
Pushing past our comfort zones is not easy, but it is how we grow.
See it as a challenge to push yourself beyond the boundaries that you live within at present.

♥ Write things down.
Emotions tend to sway our decisions. So write down practical ideas, pros and cons for each decision.
Write down your goals, strengths, weaknesses, and see what fits your personal ambitions.

♥ Ask others.
People that know you, people you trust. Seek opinions of those around you who would want the best for you.

♥ Take time.
Be patient, If one path is not quite ready to be walked on, It may be a case of timing.
You might not quite be ready.

♥ Leave the current path behind well.
When another door opens, another must close. If you feel doors closing, leave them behind with the right heart. Even if they ended in hurt, disappointment, or sadness, do not leave with bad feelings. 
Forgive, move on, but dont bring along any baggage into your new adventure. Chances are, if you do, you will find history repeating itself in some way.

♥Dare to dream 
Focus on, meditate on, think upon the positives and the possibilities of the new path.
Imagine it, and see yourself in that place. So when you are really there, you will have already walked in the possibilities and it will seem familiar and right.

Bless you in your life choices.
Dare to step out of your comfort zone and see the adventures that await!

"Only those who see the invisible can attempt the impossible."

" Prayer opens the channels of possibility "

The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.Proverbs 12:15

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.Psalm 37:4

He has showed you, O man, what is good.And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
 Micah 6:8


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