I was having a down day-Ever get those? Wondering what my 'voice' counts for? Does anything I do have an effect or make a difference? I was asking God what is it that I am passionate about and enjoy doing? Seeking purpose and passion....He
answered in an unexpected way. A little poem I wrote last year, submitted to a book, has been shared over facebook..My friends were asking me if it was my poem that people were enjoying and sharing. I was amazed at the likes and comments. reading through the comments, my heart was blessed that my little words have touched parents and inspired them to cherish each moment with their children. God...Thank-you, I have been encouraged. ♥
Bless you Beddy... Our Lord really does work in amazing ways. xxx
I'll be sharing it again at www.creativemamaonadime.com. It is such a fantastic poem and touched my heart when I read it. Thank you for sharing.
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